Different Mobile Technologies
This post is for my MOM and alike who always are confused about different mobile technologies. Those were the days back in 1980’s when the mobiles were big enough to break someones head to this era of smart phones that fits easily in palm; mobiles have come a long way. But how many of us really know how this tiny little masterpiece can call someone across the world The first generation (1G) of mobile communications was introduced in the late 1970s (I was not there then :) ; used for voice transfer. Then in 1990s, second generation (2G) systems came into existence and was further developed to 2.5G, which includes GSM, TDMA and CDMA. These were used for voice and data. The next generation of mobile communications is 3G and this delivers data speeds from 384 kbps to 2 Mbps and over wireless interfaces such as GSM, TDMA and CDMA. Jargon Bustor: Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) The first-generation analog mobile access method; FDMA uses separate frequencies for each call. For examp...