Elevator To Heaven!!!!

Well how high man can go,,, people say "Sky is the limit". Well guys I think Japanese have taken this saying rather seriously.
After pocket pets, robot dogs and an assortment of other crazy inventions, a collection of Japanese mad scientists have now decided that it's time to reach for the stars--literally. The idea is simple enough build a 36,000 km elevator that goes right up to a stationary satellite in space. Once completed, the cost of getting to space ought to be at least 100 times less than blasting away in a space shuttle, which will, in turn, make space accessible to more of us. "Just like travelling abroad, anyone will be able to ride the elevator into space," says Shuichi Ono, chairman of the Japan Space Elevator Association.

The best part about the elevator is that in doesn't bend current laws of physics--the only challenges facing the project are those of infrastructure. It'll need stronger cable than any ever used, structural integrity like we've never seen before, and materials that haven't been created yet. The cables will be made of carbon nanotube fibers, which are about 180 times as strong as steel, and can be made stronger with some research.

Japan will host a conference in November, where a concrete plan will be formed. We're still waiting for someone to jump out and say that it's all a joke, but it doesn't seem likely.

Japanese scientists are so hyped up on the possibilities of building a real life space elevator that in just two months' time the country is playing host to a conference designed to set a production timetable. Carbon nanotube technology has advanced so rapidly that a material capable of withstanding the amazing forces in the space elevator cable is almost within reach: according to the chairman of the Japan Space Elevator Association it'd only need to be four times stronger than the current strongest nanotube rope.

So guys pack ur bag packs and be ready for this elevated ride...


Yanesh Tyagi said…
Interesting and informative. Pl. provide some links so that interesting folks can read further in details.
Vipin Vij said…
Thanks Yanesh, Sure I will provide you with the links for more on this topic in my next post