SQL Azure Simple insert operations with Azure Functions Created Date: 12th Feb 2020 Modified Date: 14th Feb 2020 Let's go serverless with Azure Functions. The code for this tutorial can be found at: https://github.com/vijvipin/AzureFunctionConnectSQL Simple as it sounds but took me some-time to get it finally working. Last two days read much Microsoft documentation and other blogs nothing was really working. Finally was able to nail down the problem area which was Nuget packages not loading. Finally now lets start and make a simple Azure application which just inserts a single column in Azure SQL Database. First things first: Let's create a SQL Function 1. Go to All resource and select 'Function App'. Click + Add. 2. This will open following window, select your Subscription, Resource Group (Create one if not existing already). Enter a suitable Function App Name and Runtime Stack as '.Net Core'. You may choose other Runtime Stac
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Admit it, Microsoft Excel is one of Awesome application ever build. Still sometime like out of nothing it can give you surprises which will leave with a sour taste.. The other day I opened excel, worked on Expense details, Right Click and What!!! The CUT option is Disable or Grey out. Like you kidding me.. After a little discomforting moments and little google..... Voilla!! Here is the solution.. Go to following path. C:\Users\vipin\appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel Note: Replace vipin in above with with your Here you will find file Excel15.xlb or Excel14.xlb or Excel12.xlb or similar to this depending upon your Excel version. For me it was Excel15.xlb. I just renamed this file Excel151.xlb. Just rename it to anything, close any open instance of Excel.. Reopen... and that's it. DONE. You now have CUT option back in your life.
SCRUM Ceremonies
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Literal Meaning of Ceremony: a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary. Ceremony : I love this word ceremony. Even before you say anything everyone gets an Idea something to celebrate and exactly what it is. Everyone gathers, talk to each other and celebrate their achievements. Ceremony Participants Time Purpose Sprint 0 Complete SCRUM Team (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team) Once at starting. Before Sprint 1 Normally if Need arises normally before start of first Sprint. a) Set up an initial architecture (development, quality assurance, test environments) so that the team can hit the ground developing on day 1 of sprint 1 b) Identify initial product backlog, so there is a robust backlog to prioritize for sprint 1 c) Schedule required ceremonies d) Prepare preliminary design that can be used as a foundation for the first stories, but that can be refactored and added to as the project pr
Why Agile/Benefits, Cautions.
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Hey all, Hope you doing well. So when I take you all with me on my Journey of implementing AGILE/SCRUM, the first obvious question you may ask: Why AGILE? Of course why, I mean life has been so planned in Waterfall Model, all stages planned, lined up one after another so why do I switch to AGILE? Waterfall methodology was so planned that’s exactly the greatest weakness. How many times, your projects went exactly the way you listed at requirement stage. You have to have physic powers or be Nostradamus to foresee and list each and every requirement beforehand. Never will that happen. Our projects, requirements change due to many factors, client requirement, market conditions, technological upgrades, competition and lot more. Benefits of AGILE 1. Stakeholder Engagement AGILE provides multiple opportunities for stakeholder and team engagement – before, during, and after each Sprint. By involving the client in every step of the project, there is a high degree of collaboration be
Learn to implement Agile Though SCRUM. I have done and share my journey with you all..
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Learning. Well, that never stops. The quest to do more, to dwell and indulge in new horizons is never quenched. IT world and Project Management, it's a beast and transformer, isn't it, changing its shape, size, strategy with each blink of an eye…. As a Project Manager, my quest to implement industry best practices is always on to get the best of my Project and Team. The last couple of years have been topsy-turvy but all for good. The paradigm shift from my blood oath believes (Waterfall) to AGILE. Hereby I am starting series of Articles where I will take you all through my journey of AGILE Implementation specifically SCRUM. Starting with some theory (bear with me) and then will sail through how I implemented AGILE (SCRUM). Till now two articles published 1. https://vijvipin.wordpress.com/2018/05/21/agile-scrum/ 2. https://vijvipin.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/scrum-roles-and-responsibilities/ Well, today is Friday so no new publish. Just enjoy!! O
SCRUM – Roles and Responsibilities.
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Learning to implement SCRUM… Before we dwell on details of same let’s get familiar with some Roles and their responsibilities. AGILE/SCRUM projects have different Roles and Responsibilities than that in the conventional waterfall model. Let understand them all. If you read about AGILE Manifesto the first value is: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools So first thing first let’s create the team and understand who all we need to bring SCRUM to reality. So following are the Roles and their Responsibilities they execute. 1. Scrum Master: The person who ensures the team keeps to the values and practices of Scrum, sort of like a coach. The Scrum Master is considered to be the top-dog in every organization because companies usually hire them and don’t treat them as permanent employees that are why they are with no authority. It is their duty to remove all the hindrance or obstruction in the way of achieving any goal. It is also their role to enforce scrum cerem