Learn to implement Agile Though SCRUM. I have done and share my journey with you all..

Learning. Well, that never stops. The quest to do more, to dwell and indulge in new horizons is never quenched. 

IT world and Project Management, it's a beast and transformer, isn't it, changing its shape, size, strategy with each blink of an eye….

As a Project Manager, my quest to implement industry best practices is always on to get the best of my Project and Team.

The last couple of years have been topsy-turvy but all for good. The paradigm shift from my blood oath believes (Waterfall) to AGILE. Hereby I am starting series of Articles where I will take you all through my journey of AGILE Implementation specifically SCRUM.

Starting with some theory (bear with me) and then will sail through how I implemented AGILE (SCRUM).

Till now two articles published

Well, today is Friday so no new publish. Just enjoy!!

O that RED, I just love RED.. :)
Keep following this space,, Questions, Suggestions, Contradictions, Critics all are welcome. Hit me @vijvipin@gmail.com
