Dell Inspiron Mini 9

Dell officially unveiled the Inspiron Mini 9 on September 7th 2008. This small, easy-to-carry device stands ready to connect teens, tweens, travelers and “Tweeters” to their online world be it surfing the Web, chatting with friends, blogging, streaming content, uploading photos or enjoying favorite online videos, music and games.

The Inspiron Mini is an affordable Internet companion that can be fine-tuned to fit users’ specific needs and deeds. It is available nowin the U.S., Japan and select countries in Europe. Availability elsewhere will be handled on a country -by-country basis.

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Anonymous said…
Ahhhhhh.... we will miss this here in India......but for now i have already purchased so no looking back...:-), but yes this certainly seems promising
Vipin Vij said…
As per this Mini 9 series, I am pretty sure vivek that this will soon hit Indian Market and even if u have already purchased one ( I guess u have also got a DELL only), u still can admire this new mean machine from DELL.
Also vivek there is a lot more coming in this segment soon.. keep visiting the blog..

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