Why Agile/Benefits, Cautions.
Hey all, Hope you doing well. So when I take you all with me on my Journey of implementing AGILE/SCRUM, the first obvious question you may ask: Why AGILE? Of course why, I mean life has been so planned in Waterfall Model, all stages planned, lined up one after another so why do I switch to AGILE? Waterfall methodology was so planned that’s exactly the greatest weakness. How many times, your projects went exactly the way you listed at requirement stage. You have to have physic powers or be Nostradamus to foresee and list each and every requirement beforehand. Never will that happen. Our projects, requirements change due to many factors, client requirement, market conditions, technological upgrades, competition and lot more. Benefits of AGILE 1. Stakeholder Engagement AGILE provides multiple opportunities for stakeholder and team engagement – before, during, and after each Sprint. By involving the client in every step of the project, there is a high degree of collabo...